Since the enactment of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the Decisions and Orders of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) have been published in bound volumes.

Since the NLRB’s headquarters in Washington, DC, will be moving to a smaller location this summer, the agency will retain only a limited number of complete sets of the Board Decisions and Orders.

Pursuant to Subchapter B of the Federal Management Regulation, all bound volumes of the Board Decisions and Orders other than those expected to be retained and moved to the new headquarters building are excess personal property. Furthermore, the estimated cost of continued care and handling of these books will exceed the estimated proceeds from their potential sale. These books were therefore abandoned as of April 2, 2015.

The abandoned books can be claimed on a first-come, first served-basis by anyone, including members of the public and NLRB employees, by sending an email to

Bids to purchase full or partial sets of the Decisions and Orders can also be made by sending an email to the same email address. The minimum bid, regardless of the number of books bid for, is $47, which is the cost to the agency of processing a sale.

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