I call it “The Immaculate Recession” because our current turmoil seems to be solidifying what should’ve been obvious a long ago:  We are no longer an Industrial Revolution economy; we’re the Information Age economy, and in that area, we still lead the world.

That’s why, when one surveys the pain going around in 2008, it’s illustrative that 1.1 million men have lost their jobs this year while their female counterparts are enjoying a net gain of 12,000 jobs, according to the Labor Department.

Factory jobs are disappearing, and being robotized and mechanized, while Information Age jobs are growing.  We mustn’t overlook the health care sector either.  That was the source of 400,000 new jobs for women this year alone.

Anyway, you get the drift here.  As painful and unsettling as recessions are, they exist for a reason and ultimately lead to needed social and workforce changes.

It’s like the Chinese say when they want to curse you:  “May you live in interesting times.”