Some of the fallout from the November elections that turned the House of Representatives over to the Republicans is that life can get tougher for regulators, though few doubt it will stop them.

In particular, Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.), new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, with input from surveys he took of trade associations, is targeting a proposed regulation on noise reduction and also the OSHA initiative on injury and illness program reform, dubbed I2P2.

Issa can call on OSHA representatives to testify and justify the new regs before his committee, but he lacks the power to block new regulations. Only Congress as a whole can review regulations and block them. Indeed, the House has already introduced legislation to block the EPA from issuing greenhouse gas regulations.

Even if I2P2 never comes to fruition, employers under OSHA's general duty clause must still develop and employ an injury and illness program for their workforce. The quickest and easiest way to accomplish this is with Personnel Concepts' best-selling Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Get your copy today.