Nationwide, 9.5 million consumers selected or were automatically reenrolled in quality, affordable health insurance coverage from the Health Insurance Marketplace through the second month of 2015 Open Enrollment, according to a report released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Of those, more than 7.1 million were in states using the platform, and 2.4 million were in the 14 states (including Washington, D.C.) using their own Marketplace platforms. As the Feb. 15 deadline approaches, HHS encourages all eligible consumers to sign up for Marketplace coverage. Most will be eligible for financial assistance to lower the cost of monthly premiums.
The report includes data for individuals who selected or were automatically reenrolled in coverage through Jan. 16 for the 37 states using the platform, and through Jan. 17 for the 12 states and Washington, D.C., using their own Marketplace platforms. Data for California is through Jan. 18. To have their coverage effectuated, consumers need to pay their first month’s health plan premium (the report does not include effectuated enrollment).
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