Despite the launch of the federally subsidized health care marketplaces in late 2013, almost 20 percent of Americans are in debt they can’t afford for their medical care, according to a recent survey.

Meanwhile, another survey shows that employer-sponsored PPO (preferred provider organization) health plans have risen 6.3 percent in cost since Obamacare launched officially at the start of 2014.

The Urban Institute Survey has good news as well, reporting that the percentage of Americans who are over their heads in medical debt has fallen from 22 percent in September 2013 to 17.3 percent this March. That equates to 9.4 million fewer Americans facing trouble paying medical bills they’re run up.

On the employer-sponsored PPO front, the 2015 Milliman Medical Index pegs the rise in costs at $1,456 annually, to $24,671 in 2015 compared to $23,215 in 2014.

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