On July 5, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) into existence, and along with it, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

On the observance of the law’s 80th anniversary, current NLRB Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce noted:

Enacted in midst of the Great Depression, the National Labor Relations Act gave workers an avenue to join together to improve their wages and working conditions. The ability to organize and bargain collectively put more money in the pockets of workers while helping build — and maintain — the middle-class.  Through good times and bad, the act has offered workers a voice in their workplace and promoted industrial peace. Our country and workplaces have changed over the last eight decades, but the need for the act has remained a constant.

If you own or operate a small to medium-sized business, managing all your employees plus meeting federal labor laws and regulations can be daunting, especially with new rules being issued all the time. To help you understand your rights and responsibilities in every facet of running a business, please order a copy of Personnel Concepts’ All-On-One HR Compliance Program for Small Businesses.