The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle. This marks the fourth agreement signed between the federal civil rights agency and Mexican consulates throughout the Pacific Northwest, following signings in Portland, Oregon; San Francisco, Calif.; and Boise, Idaho.

InĀ Seattle, Mexican Consul General Roberto Dondisch and EEOC San Francisco District Director William Tamayo signed an agreement renewing their ongoing partnership to provide Mexican nationals with information, guidance and access to resources on the prevention of discrimination in the workplace, regardless of immigration status.

“There is no better way to honor Labor Day than by signing these MOUs affirming the longstanding and beneficial collaboration between the Mexican consulate and EEOC,” said Tamayo. “Together we can work to ensure that vulnerable workers understand their rights and are protected from discrimination.”

According to the state’s Office of Financial Management’s estimates, the Hispanic/Latino population in Washington is 850,276, or 12.2 percent of the total population. Tamayo noted that EEOC’s San Francisco District has recently signed similar agreements with local Mexican Consulates in three other areas with significant Latino populations.