The latest Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare in the form of the Graham-Cassidy bill got a boost on Monday when Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) indicated he might vote yea so long as his state’s governor supported the measure. Later in the day, Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey gave his approval of the measure.
Just two months ago, McCain was the third no vote among Senate Republicans that sank the first effort at repeal and replace. If all votes stay the same this time around (if a vote indeed happens), that would give Republicans 50 votes and Vice President Mike Pence could put the measure over the top with his tie-breaking vote as Senate President.
However, time is of the essence, as the Senate Parliamentarian has said the reconciliation process for changing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) expires on Sept. 30
McCain has also indicated that he would like to see the measure get a bipartisan hearing, and the Senate Finance Committee has announced it would hold a hearing next week.
Graham-Cassidy does away with subsidies, along with both the individual and business mandates on health insurance, and instead provides block grants to states to institute their own health plans. It also caps Medicaid expansion and does away with some taxes.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is now scoring it, with the likely outcome of predicting millions would go uninsured under the new plan.